Drop-Off Procedure Consent FormOwner*Pet*Procedure*By signing this form, the owner is giving consent for Village Pet Hospital to treat his or her pet while away. This confirms understanding that every effort will be made to accomplish any treatment or procedure.The following treatments may be necessary: (Please check to provide consent) Blood Tests Radiographs IV or Sub-Q Fluids Antibiotics Pain Control Urinalysis IF FLEAS OR TICKS ARE FOUND ON YOUR PET, THEN THEY WILL BE TREATED AT OWNER’S EXPENSE Please check any of the following procedures requested during your pet’s stay: Out of date vaccinations Annual Tests: Heartworm/ Erlichia Test Fecal Flotation Microchip Ear Cleaning Nail Trim Anal Gland Expression FeLV/FIV Test Notes:A personal estimate can be made, upon request, with a breakdown of possible charges. Subject to change. I hereby authorize Village Pet Hospital to perform such diagnostic, therapeutic, and surgical procedures as are, in their opinion, necessary and advisable for treatment and maintenance of my pet’s health. The nature of such services has been described to me to my satisfaction, and while I expect all procedures to be done to the best of the abilities of the professional team, I realize that no guarantee or warranty can ethically or professionally be made regarding the results. I also authorize the veterinarian and healthcare team to provide veterinary service if required, or in emergency circumstances, to follow through with such procedures as necessary for the well-being of my pet on a continuing basis until further advised in writing. I understand that I assume all financial responsibility for all services rendered. Full payment is required at time of service. There is a 3.99% service fee applied to all card transactions. Signature*Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Phone*NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.